建築・デザイン映画祭(Architecture & Design Film Festival :ADFF)とシカゴ建築センター(Chicago Architecture Center:CAC)は、ジーン・シスケル・フィルム・センター(Gene Siskel Film Center)と協力し、建築とデザインの創造性にフォーカスした映画を特集上映する国際映画祭「ADFF:CHICAGO」を開催する。
Wednesday, January 29
6 p.m.: Schindler Space Architect (Chicago Cultural Center)
Thursday, January 30
7 p.m.: E.1027: Eileen Gray and the House by the Sea (Chicago Cultural Center)
Friday, January 31
(All Friday films at the Gene Siskel Film Center)
6:30 p.m.: Arthur Erickson: Beauty Between the Lines
8:30 p.m.: DEPOT - Reflecting Boijmans
Saturday, February 1
(All Saturday films at the Gene Siskel Film Center)
1 p.m.: This is Not a House & The House: 6 Points of Departure
3:15 p.m.: The Pavilion on the Water
5:30 p.m.: Sitting Still
7:45 p.m.: Stardust: The Story of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brow
Living Together & Where We Grow Older (c)CAC
Sunday, February 2
(All Sunday films at the Gene Siskel Film Center)
オープニングイベント Opening night reception
午後9時 - 9:30: パネルディスカッションと質疑応答 -司会:Kyle Bergman ( カイル・バーグマン)、監督:Valentina Ganeva(ヴァレンティーナ・ガネヴァ)